2013年6月18日 星期二

激光脫毛之我的脫唇毛分享 ♥ Round 1



話說本身我係想去打下Botox再瘦下面,因為之前公司太太太忙,所以我無時間去keep住做Perfector,原本見上次打完Botox個效果都 OK(雖然Doctor同我講過話我個效果唔會好明顯,因為我係Babyfat多),所以諗住再打! 不過Doctor見完我就同我講話就算我打都真係唔明顯,所以叫我放棄!! 我諗我都係要揾其他方法去瘦我既肥面啦(好好好傷心!!)。

(English:  Originally I wanted to get Botox to further slim my face.  You know that I had been having the Perfector treatment, however, due to crazy work schedule, I didn't have much time to go and get my treatments done, so I thought, "the results from Botox last time wasn't bad (even though the Doctor said that there wouldn't be obvious effect on me because mine was more a babyfat issue)", so I wanted to get it done again!  However, when I got to see the Doctor, the Doctor insisted that the result wouldn't be obvious, so he asked me to give up the idea of Botox!!  OK, I have to find other ways to slim my face - but I won't give up (kinda heart broken though)!!)

瘦面唔係一日半日可以搞到,所以我就決定搞下第二樣先(少得一個煩惱就一個煩惱丫)。 我去咗做脫毛!! 其實我好lucky,我成個人都無咩毛呀! 反而係嘴唇側邊有少少,同埋腳指有少少。 腳指多數都見唔到就唔理佢住,但係嘴唇側邊呢就成日好似有個影咁,我覺得化妝出黎個感覺唔係好clean! 雖然我都有自己wax下或者剃下佢,不過都唔係辦法啦,所以我決定做脫毛同佢分手!!

(English:  Since I cannot really fix my babyfat face for now, I could fix other things instead (one less trouble is one less trouble).  I went and got hair removal on my upper lip area!!  I am a very lucky person because I don't have much hair on my body.  But, those one that I had on the side of my lips had been bugging the hell out of me (I have some hair on my toes as well, but since they are not usually visible, I can forget about them for now).  The hair on the side of my lips always casts some shadow and I don't feel like I have a complete clean look after putting my makeup on.  Though I waxed/ shaved them from time to time, I would rather get them removed and break up with them!)

755 Gentle Laser Pro

我係做755 Gentle Laser Pro呢部最新既激光脫毛儀器! GentleLasePro透過755nm激光能量,快速破壞毛囊根部同時以冷凍噴霧保護表皮層,減低表皮受損機會及痛楚。

(English:  This 755 Gentle Laser Pro is the newest machine for lazer hair removal and yea they used it to remove my upper lip hair!!  It has 755nm lazer energy and can damage the root of the hair quickly, it also has a cooling spray function to protect the surface of skin and reduce pain.)

(English:  You can take a look at my "before" condition first.)  

其實要好細心睇先睇到,但係我對美有要求呀! 呢d毛毛真係一條都嫌多啦!! 我都忍咗好耐唔搞,但係而家科技咁快達有得靚唔去靚下麻!! 於是我決心整走佢!!

(English:  Yea I admit that you really have to pay attention to see the hair, but I am kinda a perfectionist when it comes to these things.  Even 1 hair is too much for me!!  I had been delaying the thought of getting them removed, however, I convinced myself to get it done, why not?)

脫毛過程及感覺: 一開始要幫我搽少少野,之後用剃刀剃咗d毛先,因為唔洗要佢成條係度先整得走,只要毛囊裡面有少少就得喇。 咁枝剃刀都會用完即棄(衛生問題麻)。 之後我就帶咗個隔光眼鏡,因為部機整出黎既光都幾光下,所以要好好保護眼睛! 之後就黎喇!!! 大家要記住我係一個好勇敢既人同埋唔係好怕痛,所以如果你好怕痛呢,我話唔痛你可能話痛呀!! 其實我見唔到發生咩時,但係呢我感覺到枝槍噴d熱氣(一下一下咁既),每一下之後我都會聞到燶味!! 因為我做upper lip, 範圍好細,我記得好似十下就做完,但係有幾下我都跳起(心理上唔舒服又睇唔到咩事)。  如果你問我痛唔痛,其實我覺得係吉吉地jer,唔係真係話好強烈地痛,少少吉吉地。 但係呢我覺得呢個經驗最唔舒服係心理上,因為一聞到燶味個人就好緊張同埋開始胡思亂想,唔知係咪燒到自己呀! 其實係因為破壞緊毛囊,係入面既少少毛髮令到有燶味! 了解咗就唔會好似我咁亂諗野!! 

(English:  Hair Removal Process and Feeling: First the lady applied something on my upper lip area and then shaved off the hair.  There is no need for a physical hair to stay there, because the machine is targeting the root of the hair.  The lady would throw away the blade after use (hygiene issue).  Then I had to wear a pair of goggles so as to protect my eyes from the bright light from the machine.  Then, the process began!!  Remember, I am a very brave person and I am not afraid of pain, so if you are very bothered by pain, then when I say it's not painful to me, it might be very painful to you!!  Actually I didn't see what happened, I felt that there was a gun spraying some kind of hot air (one shot after another) on my upper lip.  After each shot, I smelled something burning.  For upper lip, the area is pretty small, so I remember it was maybe around 10 shots and it was done.  But I did jump during a couple shots (it's more psychological because I can't see what happen!!).  If you ask me if it's painful, I would say it's like needle pinching you, it's not like painful like hell.  I think the most uncomfortable experience is more psychological than physical.  When I smell something burning, my mind starts to run wild, thinking if the machine might have burnt me!!  Actually it's burning the root of the hair, so there is the burning smell.  When you understand it, then your mind shouldn't run as wild as mine!!)
做完個下會紅紅地,呢個反應都因人因部位而異! 我皮膚散熱力唔錯,所以我淨係紅,無腫! 但係如果你皮膚散熱力未必好好,咁你可以會紅耐少少,甚至乎有少少腫,呢d全部反應都係正常既。 佢地都會俾消炎膏你搽!

(English:  When it was done, the area looked red.  The degree of redness really depends on your skin conditions and your target areas.  My skin releases heat quite well, so mine was just redness but not swollen.  If you are not the same, then your redness might last longer or maybe your skin would get swollen a bit.  All of these are normal skin reactions and they would give you some cream to kill the inflammation.)

Just After The Treatment

你見我都紅啦。 佢地做完個下幫我搽咗消炎膏,其實我都係紅咗一個鐘頭。 佢地俾我拎翻屋企既消炎膏,我都無用過!

(English:  Hello redness!!  They put some anti-inflammation cream on me right after the treatment and my upper lip stayed red for 1 hour.  They gave me some anti-inflammation cream to use, as needed, but I didn't need that.)

Next Day After The Treatment

上面呢兩張相係第二日影既! 完全無事喇!! 同埋我好滿意個種乾淨咁!! 無shadow喇!!

(English:  The above photos were taken on the next day!  Perfectly normal and I really love the clean feeling!!  Bye shadow!!!)

我呢次都係第一次! 咁多數係4-6次為一個療程(一定要連續做呀,唔係哂氣丫),要每隔6-8星期進行一次。 我下一次就係8個星期後喇。 當然會同大家再分享進度啦! 我應該做4次就完成,之後有永久保養!  永久保養期每2個月一次!!

(English:  This is my first time!  Usually, a complete procedure takes 4-6 treatments (have to do them on time and continuously, otherwise, it would be a waste).  There is usually 6-8 gap between each treatment.  My next appointment is 8 weeks after and I will report on my status.  I should complete mine with 4 times and then I will be entitled to the permanent maintenance, which is every 2 months!)

(English:  My upper lip hair removal is HK$500/ 1 time and I have to do 4 times, so the total procedure will cost HK$2000!)  
(English:  Treatments are available for other areas as well, please refer the below:)
大部位/ Big Part:

上手臂360度/ Upper Arm 360 Degree: $2000 一次

前下手臂360度/ Front Lower Arm 360 Degree: $2000 一次

全手臂360度/ Whole Arm 360 Degree: $3800一次

大腿360度/ Thigh 360 Degree: $2400 一次

前小腿360度/ Front Lower Leg 360 Degree: $2400 一次

全腿360度/ Whole Leg 360 Degree: $4500一次

全背/ Whole Back: $2800 一次

全面/ Whole Face: $2800 一次

上半面/ Upper Half Face: $1500 一次

細部位/ Small Part:

上唇/ Upper Lip: $500 一次

腋下/ Under Arm: $800 一次

手指/ Finger: $500 一次

腳指/ Toe: $500 一次

後頸背/ Back of the Neck: $800 一次

下巴/ Chin:$600一次

如果你都有興趣脫毛,就滴起心肝唔好諗咁多去做咗佢! 記住我講,做緊個陣要勇敢d同埋唔好胡思亂想就得喇!!

(English:  If you are thinking about hair removal, my advice is to go do it!  Remember what I've said, be brave and don't let your mind wander!!)

好康優惠: 由而家開始,你去以下呢間公司做脫毛既話,做booking個陣講底係黑咪介紹,咁你就可以有買大送細既優惠喇。 例如,你買既大部位全腿就會送個細既部位(你可以揀係上唇,腋下等等)! 呢個優惠無限期,你地一打佢講底就會有喇! 
(English:  Discount: From now on, if you get your hair removal done through the following company, when you make the booking, mention that you are referred by Hakme and then you will be enjoy buy big get small, e.g. you want to get your legs done, then you will get to enjoy the small area hair removal for free as well (you can choose upper lip, under am etc.).  There is no expiry date on this offer, be sure to mention this when you make the booking!!)

Company Name: A-Plus Beauty Medical Centre
Address: Unit A, 16/F, 18 Cameron Road, The Mangan Building, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Tel: 2723-0616



**所有療程必須預約。如有任何爭議﹐A-Plus Beauty Medical Center保留最終決定。

